Embark on a journey through 'Searching For Sunrises', a powerful narrative that resonates with universal life lessons. Meet Nathan, a resilient soul who defies the shadows that have haunted him since birth, determined to illuminate his world with hope.

Far from a celestial being, Nathan's brilliance emerged in the face of adversity. His path was marred by the selfish absence of the sperm donor, a mother's untimely departure to cancer, and the tragic suicide of his best friend. While sharing through his vulnerability the outcomes from paths not taken.

Prepare to be profoundly moved by this gripping tale that delves deep into the human condition. Nathan's quest for salvation takes him on a tumultuous path, but in his later years, he discovers glimmers of hope and the sunrises he's longed for throughout his turbulent journey.

In the twilight of his life, Nathan unearthed fragments
of radiance - the very sunrises he had yearned for. Today, he witnesses
countless dawns, a testament to the resilience of the human spirit.

The Art of Catholic Dating:

A light hearted approach to tackle some of the biggest barriers faced by young men in todays Catholic dating world

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